Tips For Coping With Children’s Falls

Do you know what to do when a child falls and hurts himself? Find out below.
Tips to cope with children's falls

The following tips for coping with falls in children are intended to help you act in the most appropriate way whenever necessary.

Young children often fall. Regardless of the causes (having run, the unevenness of the terrain, not having noticed if there was an obstacle on the ground, wearing inappropriate footwear, etc.) the point is that there are falls that are very scary.

The consequence of that scare can go further if we do not act on time. Although it may not seem like it, it is often more important to comfort children than simply treating the wound.

The scare at the moment

Perhaps there was not even a concussion, but the boy was still scared and cried. In those moments, all he wants is to feel safe in the arms of his parents again. And, even if his reaction seems exaggerated, it is important that we hug him and let him know that everything is fine.

Why is this so important? because by hugging our son, we make the incident forget faster. In this way, we prevent discomfort from persisting over time and creating trauma.

It should be noted that giving affection and comfort does not mean the same as being overprotective. The first has to do with an empathic response to the child’s situation, while the second has to do with an idea and behavior that has negative consequences for the healthy development of children.

In other words, by pretending to protect children all the time, we limit their experiences and ultimately lower their self-esteem. 

How many times have we not seen parents run towards the child, even before it falls? Or how many times have we not been the ones who, predicting the possible fall, order the child to stop because, deep down, we consider our fears more than the existence of a real risk?

Normal reactions

And it is that, sometimes, it seems to be the parents who feel the bruise, the scratch and even the shame the most when their children suffer falls.

Many times, parents have even seen the child fall, get up and, seeing the scared face of their parents, they have burst into tears to demand attention and pampering. 

All these reactions are natural, they tell us that there is a genuine concern and a healthy protective instinct. However, they must be controlled.

Tips for coping with children's falls.

Tips to cope with children’s falls

Here are some tips to deal with children’s falls. For the most part, they involve using common sense, while others focus on understanding that emotional brain that we all possess.

1. Stay calm in the face of the unexpected

As in all times of uncertainty, confusion, disturbance, and stress, the important thing is to stay calm. Why? because if we get carried away by terror, we may make the biggest problem.

If we stop to think for a moment, if the child is already scared, seeing us panic, his anguish will grow and the rest of the discomfort will grow.

This does not mean that parents should repress their emotions, but rather to try not to lose control of the situation despite the fear, since this will help children a lot.

2. Encourage the child to try again

Another tip for coping with children’s falls has to do with  giving words of encouragement and showing children that they have the affection and protection of their parents.

It is very common that during their first steps or when learning to pedal, a child falls and then no longer wants to put their feet back on the ground or take the bicycle. This is a normal reaction that is part of the survival instinct.

The fear of tripping again sometimes stops the child from doing one thing or another. That is why parents must motivate them not to give up. 

3. Teach how to get up after stumbling

The tools that parents provide during the first years of life will be crucial for the formation of healthy self-esteem in children. Therefore, the presence, affection and assertiveness of the parents is so important.

If children are taught to get up, tomorrow we will have an adult who is brave and capable of overcoming adversity. Also, this will contribute to their healthy and happy development.

Faced with a fall that has not happened to major, a simple trip that causes scratches, it is also necessary to teach that the game has to continue.

If after falling the child does not want to try again, stop the game and listen to it. It is important to know how you feel and to respect your decision. Pressuring a child to act naturally when he doesn’t feel ready can make him even more uncomfortable.

In other words, encouraging them to get back on their feet and continue the fun gives them a (subtle) lesson in resilience that will stay with the child for a lifetime.

Falls in children

4. Don’t skimp on pampering or first aid

On the other hand, it is essential to disinfect and treat the wound at the time. In the same way, it must be followed up to see how the healing progresses.

Another tip to deal with children’s falls has to do explicitly with pampering. As mentioned above,  pampering is also necessary to grow healthy and strong.

Pampering does not mean that they are going to spoil themselves. On the contrary, many times children spoil themselves due to lack of attention and care on the part of their parents.

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