To Overprotect Is To Prevent Your Children From Growing Up

To overprotect is to prevent your children from growing up

To overprotect is to clip the wings of a pigeon that still cannot fly.

It is preventing him from discovering the world and conquering heaven on his own.

Whether on purpose or unintentionally, it is robbing you of the opportunity to experiment and learn based on your interests or needs.

Mom, in this text we try to make you see why you should not overprotect your child.

Overprotection: a threat to personal growth during childhood

Overprotection is the bad habit that some have for depriving another individual of freedom, be it a child, adolescent, youth or adult.

You become overprotective when you do not trust the abilities and skills that that other person has or can develop.

In the case of mothers, one who is overprotective will always come to the aid of her child without taking into account and, even without caring, whether he needs it or not.


That is why it is said that when a child is overprotected, a weak-tempered minor is brought up, with low self-esteem and fear of everything and everyone.

Now, if you love your child and want him to grow up and become a strong, free and happy person:

Let him fail and make mistakes so that he can learn something from them. This is how he will learn to get up
• Allow him to see, hear, feel and analyze things for himself
Encourage him to interact with other children his age, to make friends and be sociable
Develop his emotional intelligence. Educate a strong child who can take better control of his emotions
Make him see that you trust him and that is why he has the independence he needs
• Warn him that even as a child, if he tries to do so, he can achieve his goals because he forces what you need for this is within you.
Give him the opportunity to reflect and make the decisions that he thinks are best for him.
• Don’t get him used to being the one who has the last word. Children overprotected by their parents get used to and even really need the help of their parents. Avoid going to that extreme

• Show him that there is a whole world out there to conquer, that it will be his, if he is brave enough.
Do not scare him, or cultivate fear in him. For better or for worse we live in a troubled society and danger awaits us anywhere. If since childhood your child knows the “jungle” and learns to survive in it, he will never be prey to the “beasts”.


To overprotect is to prevent your children from growing up

Mom, if you take excessive care of your child, you are getting in the way of his emotional and psychological growth.

It is important that you understand that overprotecting him is not loving him. To love him is to give him the freedom to act on his own and not be, for example, the laughingstock of other children.

It is not a fact, but not infrequently overprotected minors are submissive, shy and become the mockery of their peers until they are victims of their physical and psychological abuse.

Finally, we have other tips to give you.

• Do not want to throw yourself over the duties and responsibilities that fall to him. Remember that in the daily effort the love for material things and the achievements of each person is born. The bread you bring to the table tastes better when it is earned by the sweat of your brow and the goals you achieve are more valued when you achieve them on your own. Show him this

• The home where you raise him should be safe and full of love; but in it, your child must also find the obstacles that make him experiment and divert his step to take new paths

Do not raise a child dependent on his family, fearful of the society with which he will necessarily be related. In the end, he will be a man and a woman who will have to face life however it comes. Someday he will be responsible for raising a family, for educating his own children. Prepare it for it

• One of the greatest riches that human beings have is their freedom, their autonomy to think and do for themselves. Don’t take this away from your son! Remember that making mistakes, suffering, crying, regretting yourself, getting hurt … all of that is part of life.

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