Use Emotional Language To Connect With Children

Use emotional language to connect with children

Emotional language is essential when raising your children. Through this magical instrument you will get nothing less than to connect with the little ones. There is no need to appeal to shouts and punishments, a good deal is enough.

By acting assertively, being empathetic, and educating in a respectful way, it is possible to go much further. As you will see, raising a child supposes basic and elementary care that will root that immaculate affective relationship. Learn in this article to connect with the little ones through the use of emotional language.

Emotional language, the key to other childhoods

Emotional language implies speaking as equals to the minor, but always with positive words. It also means never raising your voice but presenting great strength. You don’t have to emotionally hurt the child to communicate properly.

Express yourself with the language of smiles that never fade, if what you want is to connect with your child. Show the smallest, defenseless and innocent beings that love is what moves the strings of the world and not fear.

Give your child the most beautiful words and affective phrases. It helps the child to master emotional language from an early age. Nurture security and self-confidence to that piece of your being. And for this there is nothing better than affective language, fully wise in terms of emotions.

Fill in your gaps and fill in your gaps by connecting through the most useful tool of all child rearing. You will appreciate it as time progresses. It is an investment for the future capable of yielding the sweetest fruits over time.

Language, a tool that requires responsibility

It is very common to neglect the vocabulary that we use to dialogue with our children. Or the one we use daily in front of them. And this is not a lesser evil because language has immense power over the brain of infants.

Clearly, words don’t kill, but they have the gift of hurting more seriously than any kind of physical blow. Difficult emotional sequelae – if not, impossible – to heal can be some of the results of this type of error.

The language you use can leave an indelible mark on your child. Stress, helpless states and childhood depression are just some of the most common. In the same way, the use of emotional language sets the child’s personality on fire, but in this case offering positive results.

This emotional language will be the one that not only offers them a positive view of the world and themselves, but also an inexhaustible source of motivation. That driving force that pushes them, that motivates them to achieve what they long for with all their might.

 Emotional language, a gift

An effective emotional language that connects with your child requires time and patience. Of course, it is not blowing and making bottles, as it also implies high doses of love and will. A few pinches of intuition and a few more perseverance will not hurt at all to undertake such an endeavor.

In this way you can carry out the respectful motherhood that you dreamed of so much. One in which you include a child who is valued and respected for his status as a person. One who is loved and accepted beyond any achievement or failure.

Only with this method do you guarantee their growth to the minor. Growth, clearly, not only in weight and height, but especially in security, independence, self-esteem, personality and intelligence. Once again, stop for a second and give your child all the attention he demands and deserves.

Speak nice to him and treat him well, avoiding unnecessary sermons and reproaches. Without labels, qualifiers and insults. No screaming or shrillness. Science has managed to show through various studies that these obsolete techniques, even pursuing the best of intentions, are hardly effective.

Change those endless speeches and multiple warnings for a simpler, healthier and more effective method. Forget the orders of the barracks and appeal to your valuable ability to listen, and to dialogue. Above all, take care of each of the words you choose to speak with the boy.

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