What Does The Blond Method Consist Of

Babies 0-3 months may have colic. When this occurs, the blonde method can be a good management technique.
What is the blonde method?

One of the most common complaints in babies during the lactation period is colic. This causes severe pain as a result of intestinal contractions, general discomfort, interrupts sleep and makes them feel irritable. Some methods have been shown to be effective and quick in relieving these symptoms and helping you feel better. One of them is the blonde method.
The digestive system of newborns is immature from birth, so they must gradually get used to the new food system. In this way, it is necessary to take into account the external factors that directly influence the process, either naturally or artificially.

How can we know if our baby has infant colic?

The reasons why a baby constantly cries in its first months of life are almost always the same. However, complicated medical situations can also arise that must be treated by a specialist. The most common reasons for baby crying are : hunger, sleepiness, gas, colic, discomfort from a dirty diaper, sudden changes in temperature, among others.

Knowing a little about why infant colic occurs


The stomach when receiving the food is distended. This produces the natural mobility of the intestine that almost immediately generates the sensation of wanting to defecate. When this occurs in an exacerbated way, it is when colic occurs in the baby causing him to writhe in pain. Infant colic has characteristics that can teach us to differentiate it from any other discomfort, among them we can mention:

  • They appear the first days of birth and up to three months
  • The baby is placed in a stooped position where he flexes his thighs towards the abdomen as if squirming
  • Squeeze your little hands
  • Face turns red
  • Cries inconsolably and fidgets
  • Has easy-to-feel bowel sounds
  • In some cases you may vomit
  • The time it lasts is not exact since it can vary from minutes to hours. It all depends on pain management and symptoms

The blond method is safe, effective, practical, fast that can be applied to the baby to help him. If you want to know it, do not hesitate to continue reading. In this way you can use it every time your baby feels pain due to colic.

 Objective of the blond method

The main objective of this method is to elastify the entire digestive system through a soft massage performed with the hands. It has to be done delicately and most importantly very gentle and non-invasive. 90% of the babies to whom the blond method is applied have a significant improvement and others even achieve the complete disappearance of it.

Despite being a manual method, not everyone can do it, it is important to take care and ensure that the person chosen has the basic knowledge. Verify the references and the certificates that accredit and endorse the knowledge.If there is the possibility that they make the transfer home as part of the service, it is more comfortable for mom and dad, even for the baby that avoids having to move him outside the home

Other improvements of the blond method


By improving colic, other processes are favored such as:

  • feeding
  • Evacuations
  • Gases come out easier and faster
  • Baby sleeps better and for a long time
  • Parents get some more rest

Even though massage is an effective alternative, it is important to take care of other aspects that directly influence colic. When feeding is given through breastfeeding, the mother must take care of the food she eats. It is proven that there are some that can generate more gases than usual in the child

In the case of feeding through infant formulas, it is also important to evaluate how it is assimilated, to make immediate changes and avoid affecting the baby for long periods of time. There are special medications for colic called antispasmodics. They are not used as a first option without first having exhausted all natural resources so as not to medicate it, however they help and relieve in case of need. They must be indicated by your pediatrician or gastroenterologist.

They can be a nightmare if left untreated

Infant colic can turn into a nightmare that will cause you to run away many times. However, we must remain calm and try each method and advice that can help make the process more bearable while our child adapts to this new environment and rhythm of life outside the womb.

Let’s not forget that everything is new for him and that only we as mothers in the company of dad and our loved ones can understand his messages through what we will learn through his body language. Little by little in the day to day.

Physiotherapy for infant colic

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