What Is Child Resilience?

Remember, you are always bigger than your circumstances. You are more than anything that can happen to you. –Anthony Robbins.
What is child resilience?

Have you ever heard of childhood resilience? If you don’t remember, don’t worry. Next we are going to comment on everything.

To begin with, resilience is the ability that every human being has to overcome difficult or traumatic experiences. Today, this ability is one of the most valued in any field, from family to work. In order to develop this capacity from childhood in an adequate way, it is important that adults know how to guide the little ones.

Although it may seem unimportant, when we teach our children to face a situation with a positive attitude, we are helping them to develop their resilience.

There are many minors who go through extreme situations.  Some of them include parents with addiction problems; terrible divorces or even physical and emotional abuse. Despite this, there are children who are able to overcome thanks to an incredible capacity for childhood resilience.

There is not much that can be done to avoid these kinds of experiences. Everything will depend on a single factor: your attitude. Unfortunately, making a child see that is very difficult, because they do not know how to reason so clearly. 

A minor who suffers from certain kinds of problems tends to have a dependent relationship with the people who hurt him. He is not able to walk away, because in a way, he feels worthy of that attitude.

Fortunately, there is a class of children who have learned to protect themselves through a capacity called child resilience. This amazing ability allows them to cope with any adverse circumstance.

What is child resilience?

Childhood resilience is nothing other than the ability of all human beings to overcome pain, reduce the impact of it, move forward despite the bad experience and overcome themselves, which leads to the obtaining of intagible achievements such as strength, self-esteem, and other aspects related to psycho-emotional health.

This does not mean that the little one will never suffer from depression or that he is immune to problems. He is a human being with his own weaknesses, but his inner strength gives him incredible psychic stamina. And, if you also have someone around you who expresses sincere affection, your capacity will be reinforced.

In other words, these infants have adopted a positive attitude towards the circumstances around them, however negative they may be. This attitude is basically based on 4 phrases :

Resilience helps human beings overcome difficulties to move forward.

The 4 phrases of childhood resilience

I have

Children with child resilience are very positive. Instead of focusing on how much suffering life has brought them, they think about the good, no matter how little, that life has. They feel lucky for the things they have, not sad for the things they don’t. Likewise, these children are aware that they have many people around them who value them. They may not be from their family, but they know that even if they do not have kinship ties, there is affection and protection.

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Children who are forced to develop childhood resilience  think that they can achieve what they set out to do.  Although at home or at school they are humiliated or undervalued, their self-esteem remains almost intact.

They are capable of making their own decisions  and are not afraid to ask for help if necessary. His sense of responsibility is much more developed than that of other children his age.

Resilience is a wonderful human capacity.

I am

When one is a victim of mistreatment or abuse, the victim tends to underestimate himself. She believes that she does not deserve to be loved by anyone and that she is worthless.

A resilient child knows his worth and maintains his self-esteem. He is aware that he is loved by other people and does not need to hurt others to feel better. He knows who he is and what he wants, even if what he is experiencing tries to dehumanize him.


Feeling lost is another consequence that trauma can cause. A child with childlike resilience does not lose his cool and knows how to find himself. You have the ability to analyze what is happening and know that although you are not where you want right now, in the future you will be. Try to make the most of your situation even knowing the circumstances you are in.

How can I teach a child to be resilient?

There really is no exact guide to teaching a child to be resilient. In fact, many children learn to develop this ability through certain kinds of situations, regardless of where they experience it or how old they are. When no one is present to protect them, they themselves learn to find refuge in themselves and to become their own guardians.

The only way to help these kinds of children is by giving them love, respect, and understanding. We are your guides, your support and this will help you move forward in life. They should know that they have trusted adults to turn to if they feel lonely or have difficulties. Let’s not forget that although they seem very safe, they are still vulnerable beings. We all need to feel protected.

Motivational phrases for our children

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