What Is Prenatal Genetic Counseling?

What is prenatal genetic counseling?

Genetics studies our genes, which are responsible for carrying the information that configures us as a species. Genes determine many of the physical and mental characteristics that define us: the color of our skin, hair, our height, etc. The development of genetic counseling has allowed the possibility of a congenital defect to be known from the moment the fetus develops in the womb.

Prenatal genetic counseling tries to help couples who have a high chance of conceiving a baby with a condition. Among them are pregnant women over 35 years of age and from certain ethnic groups. However, it is recommended that all women of all ages have genetic testing during pregnancy.

This counseling basically consists of the application of tests such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling and percutaneous umbilical blood sample, the results of which open a window of information to future parents, who will be able to prepare in a better way to receive the next baby. on the way.

In which cases should genetic counseling be used

  • If you or your partner are concerned about whether your child will be born with a congenital condition, it is best to resort to genetic counseling. In this way, specialists will be able to determine through scientific tests if your child will be born with a common disease in your family.
  • This counseling is especially recommended for couples who have a child affected by a genetic disease and are thinking about having another. Genetic counseling is also able to calculate the probabilities that a child will be born with an intellectual disability or with birth defects, which worries parents from families where there are already similar cases.
  • Similarly, this counseling is intended for parents who have a history of infertility or pregnancy loss. In fact, these types of tests are in high demand by couples who have had three or more miscarriages.
Prenatal genetic counseling helps parents with a long history of infertility
  • Genetic counseling has also helped provide valuable information to some parents who discover that their child will be born with a genetic disease. That is why it is intended for pregnant women whose babies have already been diagnosed with a birth defect or a genetic condition, such as cystic fibrosis or Down syndrome. In these cases, genetic counseling offers parents help to improve the living conditions of the child who will come.

    They will provide you with the information you need to care for your child

    Through a detailed interview that studies the family history of the couple who wants to conceive or a medical analysis with a sample of blood, urine or saliva,  geneticists can diagnose prenatal diseases that the child may have.

    Specifically, prenatal diagnosis consists of examining fetal cells, amniotic fluid or amniotic membranes to detect problems in the growth of the baby.

    Until now, genetic counseling has been able to diagnose different diseases such as  cancer, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, alcoholism, loss of hearing or vision at a very young age, or high blood pressure.

    Other disorders and illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia, as well as learning disabilities, mental retardation, birth defects such as spina bifida or heart defects can also be detected by the geneticist before the baby is born.

    Having a genetic counseling allows to know the treatment and cure of the diseases that the fetus can develop

    They will refer you to other specialists as soon as possible

    In addition, specialists in this branch can refer their patients to other specialists in order to seek some treatment or cure. For example, many babies with Down syndrome who are born with heart defects are referred by the geneticist to a cardiologist.

    This visit to the cardiologist will help parents discuss the heart surgery their child may need, but it will also allow them to meet with a neonatologist to discuss the care that a newborn should receive after an operation.

    The geneticist is also in charge of recommending interviews with support groups or any other health care professional to help future parents adjust and prepare for their new and complex reality.

    In case you are pregnant and you think you may be at risk, or simply want to find out, use prenatal genetic counseling, they will do everything in their power so that your pregnancy develops in the best possible way.

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