What Is The Maker Movement In Education?

We will learn in this article what a movement called “maker” consists of, and how its philosophy can be applied in educational settings.
What is the maker movement in education?

The phrases “do it yourself”, “do it yourself”, or “do it whith others”, “do it in collaboration with others”, are those with which the maker movement is identified . It is a m social OVEMENT closely related to ICT (information and communications technology)  which aims to make and share as a way to learn both about the use and on the development of devices and applications.

The maker movement = “to do”

The “do it yourself” movement is a subculture that promotes the idea that we can all develop any task aided by technology. With which, the maker movement  aims to get people to participate and share the creative production of all kinds of artifacts.

The philosophy of the maker movement is that of people who associate with the same spirit of “doing” , and of sharing experiences, skills and knowledge. For which, they also defend the idea of ​​the democratization of this doing. Through the use of hardware (electronic components) and software (programs that run on the hardware ), open source , cheap, easily accessible and shared.

Student applying the maker movement in education.

This movement is helped by digital design and manufacturing tools, such as 3D printers and scanners, laser cutters and  design software for the manufacture of artifacts. Thus, people are capable of creating everything from smart devices, robots or drones, to clothing, food, cosmetics or even music.

The maker movement in education

The maker movement and its ‘do-it-yourself culture’, or the “do it yourself” or “do it with others” philosophy , has positive aspects that are applicable in school settings. Maker culture can be transferred to education as a form of both the use and development of technological devices and applications. But also as a way of learning concepts and knowledge of school subjects or areas of knowledge.

This is so because it involves conceiving and organizing learning through collaboration and assisting in understanding concepts and operations. And because in this way it helps to generate active, critical, creative and supportive attitudes in students.

In the educational field, the importance given to meaningful learning achieved through doing can be taken up from the maker movement . And also, the importance of active and interactive learning, shared and collaborative, and based on creativity and fun.

Especially related to new technologies, culture maker helps students to become aware of the possibilities of creation,  f omentando not only the use of technology but also offering them the possibility of developing deep digital skills. For which, curricular planning and specific teaching competencies are necessary.

Children in technology class through the maker movement in education.


The maker movement in education has benefits in the training of students and great potential to improve educational and pedagogical practices. This is so because, in the first place, it helps to reaffirm the importance of an education for learning the use of technology and digital media as a way of accessing information.

And, secondly, because it is interesting that learning is encouraged and organized in the same classrooms in the sense proposed by the maker movement . Learning supported by technology, but not only to use it, but also to do with it and from it, in a creative and innovative, shared and democratic way.

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