What Papers Should Be Done After Delivery?

How to know the procedures that must be done before the arrival of a newborn? It is essential to know how to anticipate and know precisely what roles to do after delivery. The time to prepare these procedures is the last period of pregnancy.
What roles should be done after delivery?

The red tape surrounding the arrival of a baby often overwhelms unsuspecting families. Some hire a manager; others are saturated before a multitude of forms and signatures. The best thing to do is to anticipate to know what papers to do after delivery.

Although these steps must be carried out after the child is born, it is really useful to know addresses, documentation, costs, rights of the child born, work licenses, among others.

Labor involves several phases.

The last period of pregnancy is a good time to find out what papers to do after delivery, and save time.

This article is divided into procedures for the baby, procedures for maternity and paternity leave, and social security procedures. The idea is that this guide will guide families about the order of procedures.

What roles should be done after delivery with respect to the child?

Whether the child is born in the hospital, or if it is a home birth, medical discharge or hospital discharge will be required to complete the registration procedures in the civil registry. Hospital data should include the time of delivery.

Depending on the city, it may happen that the statistical data is filled in directly at the Civil Registry. In any case, requesting this information at the hospital is always more practical, due to any changes in regulations or last minute vicissitudes.

The registration of the newborn for his National Identity Document (DNI) in the Civil Registry takes place between the first week and the month of life. If the parents are not married, they must both attend the registry. For the registration of the baby, you need:

  • Family Book
  • DNI of the mother and father (original and photocopy)
  • Hospital discharge and its statistical data
  • In case of wanting to register it in another city, the parents must present their respective registration certificates and a certificate from the hospital.

    Health care for the baby should be done in the days after delivery. For public healthcare, registration can be done directly online.

    The speed of the procedure is due to the fact that the pediatrician must perform the second heel test four days after the baby is born. Once the user has been created and the health card has been received, the child will be able to use public assistance regularly.

    Procedures for maternity and paternity leave and benefits

    The sick leave per child born for working parents is 16 weeks for the mother and 4 weeks for the father. This is done in Spain through the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The procedure is carried out online, since the INSS only has to collate the registration in the Civil Registry and the data of the company in question.

    in motherhood 2

    At the end of maternity leave, mother and baby will have one hour of breastfeeding leave a day for 20 months.

    In the case of maternity and paternity benefits, it is required to fill out a form that will be presented together with the DNI (original and photocopy), salary information and a maternity certificate stamped by the Public Health Service.

    If there is the assumption of workers targeted for unemployment, they must report to the Public Employment Service (INEM) to account for their maternity leave.

    Some final tips

    Some families worry about what roles to play after the birth, thinking about the discomfort for the baby and the mother. The very idea of ​​a pilgrimage through government offices with a newborn causes discomfort. The good news is that only one of the procedures requires the presence of the child: the issuance of the DNI.

    As for the mother, her physical presence is only necessary in the Civil Registry, although in some cases it may not be required. For everything else, she may be legally represented by another person. The online resource is increasingly present in public agencies, which facilitates the vast majority of papers after the baby is born.

    The procedures that must be carried out after delivery are not difficult or complex. It will be enough to have the right information and dedicate the necessary time.

    What do I need to bring to the hospital to deliver?

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