What Should A Baby Changing Table Have?

What should have a baby changing table?

The birth of a child always entails many expenses. Clothes, diapers and food constitute a good part of our salary, as well as the crib or the baby changing table. Most of the time we have the help of our friends and family, q ue are responsible for giving us these useful and advise.

Some of the most frequently asked questions by new parents are in relation to the baby changing table.  Sometimes it can seem like a banal element, which is not given importance due to the simplicity of its use. Unfortunately, many people ignore all the information concerning him, something that can cause problems.

Just as we take into account certain factors when choosing the bed or crib, with regard to the changing table, the same should happen to us. We have to know that it is  an important element, which must be subject to some safety regulations.

What should have a baby changing table?

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, the moment of changing the baby is more complex than it seems. They are minutes of union and complicity, in which the child feels protected and comfortable. Due to this, it is mandatory to follow a series of recommendations regarding its structure.

The baby changing table must be adapted to the needs of the parents

The shape

It should not be too high, as it could cause discomfort to parents. Ideally, it should have slightly raised sides and be wide, in order to protect the child in case of sudden movements. If the baby changing table has wheels it is necessary to make sure that they have brakes.


The choice of accessories depends on the needs of the parents. Many choose them according to the space they have at home; others, taking into account their monetary capacity. In any case, those with compartments are very useful to avoid possible displacements while changing the child.

The size

As with accessories, size is also a matter of taste. Some are very small and others are the size of a large piece of furniture, depending on the space in the room. Be that as it may, it is not a determining factor for its proper functioning.


Safety is one of the most important points. The changing table must be approved and comply with all the necessary rules. At the time of acquiring it, find out about trusted places, where you know that there is good quality.

Parent’s height

It may seem obvious, but many parents do not take it into account. The height should be appropriate so that parents can access it comfortably. This is even more significant when it is excessively high or low.

A baby changing table can never be missing in every newborn's room


Its surface should be neither too soft nor too hard. This way it will not deform or cause any kind of discomfort to the baby when you change the diaper or clothes. It is very important that it is stable, in order to avoid any kind of accident. It must also be very resistant, since it should last about two or three years.

Types of changing tables

Keep in mind that there are innumerable types of changing tables, which adapt to the requirements and tastes of parents. Some are just a small mattress, ideal for those who do not have much space at home.

Others are inflatable mattresses  , very useful for those parents who usually travel often. In this case, the only problem is stability, since it does not have much. It is advisable to use it only once in a while, and as long as there is no other option.

There are also bathtubs-changing tables, as well as those that serve both as tables or dressers. These are the most frequent and used, since they are fixed and safe. They usually comply with established standards and there are different designs.


In addition to the aforementioned safety regulations, it is necessary to ask ourselves a series of questions. The most important is the one related to need. The baby changing table is not always necessary, especially if we take into account that we are going to use it for a relatively short time. We can choose one that is multifunction, so that it can serve us when the child is older.

We must also be aware that the purchase of a baby changing table can become an outlay of money that can often be avoided. Each family is a world, and its demands as well. It is not necessary that we do the same as others, we just have to focus on what is best for us.

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