What Should Be The Feeding Of A Newborn

Feeding formula milk produces changes in the microbiota that can negatively affect the development of the immune system.
What should be the feeding of a newborn

Once you have your baby in your arms, you must choose how it will be fed. Without a doubt, a momentous decision.

Feeding a newborn is one of the most important topics parents need to discuss . When babies are in their mother’s tummy, they receive all the basic nutrients for healthy growth. 

However, once they arrive in this world, their diet must change to meet those nutritional requirements that the body demands. . According to the World Health Organization, the best source of nutrition for a newborn is breast milk, as it has everything a newborn needs.

Ask your pediatrician for advice on how your baby should be feeding

This substance is so powerful that as your child grows, the milk changes its properties to meet the needs according to the baby’s age . During breastfeeding, you will realize that nature is perfect and, therefore, your body will respond precisely to what your child’s body demands.

However, some moms do not have the opportunity to breastfeed their little ones and must opt ​​for the bottle . The best formula milks try to emulate the characteristics of breast milk quite exactly, with the aim of guaranteeing a healthy development of the baby. However, the fact of feeding the baby with this type of products will condition its microbiota and its immunity, according to a study published in 2018.

The best diet for a newborn

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Many institutions insist that the breastmilk  it is the best food for those fragile people who are just arriving in the world. But, as we mentioned earlier, not all babies have the privilege of being fed this way .

In this context, it is normal for you to ask yourself some questions such as: will my baby grow strong if I do not breastfeed? Will formulations give him enough for a good development? Is there a difference between breastfed and non-breastfed babies? Faced with so many possibilities, it is best to consult your trusted pediatrician and ask for guidance .

Meanwhile, we want to introduce you to the differences between both methods, to help you resolve certain doubts:

About breastfeeding :

It has multiple benefits for your baby, since the immune and bioactive factors form a barrier that protects it from thousands of infections . It also allows you to have an emotional and physical development for a healthy life.

If you cannot offer it directly from your breast for reasons that are beyond your control, you can make the famous milk bank . By storing this substance under certain conditions, you can be sure that it will not lose its properties for up to 48 hours.

Each mother is free to choose the most suitable feeding method for her little one

If you decide that this is the exclusive feeding method , we recommend that you seek advice from a specialist on the subject . This will make you feel more secure in terms of the correct grip, you will know that you are always giving him the amount of milk he needs and you will be able to know the most comfortable positions.

About artificial milk :

These milk formulas are the result of more than a century of arduous research to find an appropriate substitute that serves for the good nutrition of the newborn . Its main benefit is to preserve the health of the newborn when it cannot be breastfed.

The main disadvantage is that, although it tries to reproduce the same nutritional quality as the other alternative, It does not have the immunological substances , nor those hormones that drive it in its growth. 

In addition, it demands a greater effort on the part of the parents, since it is necessary to maintain the  hygiene  bottles, take food wherever they go, etc.

It is important to check the labeling of formula milk. A product enriched in omega 3 will contribute to the correct brain development of the baby, according to an article published in the journal “Clinics in Perinatology”. On the other hand, it is necessary to choose those milks that do not contain added sugars, since the contribution of these nutrients can be harmful in the early stages of life.

Feeding your baby is a personal decision

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Every mother knows very well her possibilities with respect to her child, so there are no rules to define how the feeding of a newborn should be. You are free to define what you think is best for your child, as long as you follow the recommendations of the specialist. .

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