What To Do About Hair Loss After Childbirth?

Unfortunately, postpartum alopecia is quite common, affecting half of women. Although it is reversible, it is better to act quickly to prevent hair loss. We will tell you more in the following article.
What to do about hair loss after childbirth?

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes numerous hormonal changes in order to meet the needs of the baby that grows inside her. In this stage, as well as after it, the changes that the body undergoes can affect the hair of the future mother. Therefore, we are going to give you some tips to stop hair loss after childbirth.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the hair begins to lose its tone and the loss begins. However, in the second and third trimesters it regains its vitality and becomes brighter and more voluminous.

However, at the time of delivery, the level of hormones collapses and often triggers alopecia. Fortunately, this form of alopecia is reversible, but it must be treated well.

Therefore, before offering you some tips to avoid this phenomenon and maintain beautiful hair, we will discover the reasons that evoke hair loss after childbirth.

Causes of hair loss after childbirth

There are several triggers for hair loss after childbirth that can be pathological. In addition to hormonal disruption, hair loss can be a consequence of stress and serious nutritional deficiencies.

Estrogen, a female hormone that is essential for a healthy pregnancy, also acts on the structure of the hair, which becomes more beautiful and shiny. But when the concentration of these hormones decreases after childbirth, the hair loses its vitality. This drop in estrogen also influences the hair cycle.

The stress due to the change in life that occurs after the baby is born can affect the mother. To fight against nervous tension caused by situations of permanent stress, the body increases its production of androgens. This hormonal disorder causes a change in the structure of the hair, which eventually falls out.

Fatigue and deficiencies of essential nutrients such as iron are also responsible for hair loss after childbirth. The birth of the baby is accompanied by significant blood loss, and this causes a decrease in the rate of ferritin in the woman’s body, which causes fatigue and lack of vitality of the hair.

There are different natural remedies to deal with hair loss during and after pregnancy.

6 tips to fight hair loss after childbirth

The first thing to improve during this period is your lifestyle. We propose several methods to counteract hair loss after childbirth.

1.- Follow a balanced diet

Diet is one of the most important factors influencing hair health. Following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially if they contain antioxidants and flavonoids, protects the hair follicle and prevents hair loss. It is important to drink plenty of water or fluids to hydrate your body and hair.

2.- Take nutritional supplements

In addition to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, it is advisable to take biotin or vitamin B and C supplements. Vitamin E, as well as vitamins B3, B6 and B5, stimulates the root and strengthens the hair fiber.

3.- Use a suitable shampoo and conditioner

Check the ingredients that make up the shampoo to choose those that are not aggressive and with a pH adapted to the scalp for daily use.

When you apply shampoo in the shower, massage your scalp instead of friction to activate microcirculation. For that reason, you should opt for a suitable conditioner.

4.- Don’t hurt your hair

Do not overuse the hair dryer or the iron. By doing so, you run the risk of damaging the roots and anticipating hair loss.

Dry your hair at a distance of about 20 centimeters and avoid too high temperatures. In addition, avoid dyes and smoothing products that, especially during postpartum loss, weaken the hair.

5.- Treat your hair gently

Use products that add density and strengthen the texture of your hair. Think of home remedies that nourish the scalp.

On the other hand, you should dry it and comb it gently; Avoid rubbing it roughly with the towel to avoid damage or weakening. Keep in mind that prolonged use of extensions, barrettes or elastics promotes hair loss.

Hair loss after childbirth may be due to nutritional deficiencies.

6.- Control stress and fatigue

Lastly, a mother’s life can be exhausting. Lack of sleep and your worries about the baby are particularly stressful, which can exacerbate hair loss after delivery.

In short, if you have suffered hair loss after childbirth it is a good opportunity to start taking care of yourself and plan a few hours a week to relax. It can be an ideal time to have a meeting with your friends or have a romantic dinner with your partner.

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