What To Do So That Your Child Does Not Get Bored

What to do so that your child does not get bored

Surprisingly, and despite so much technology and advances, today’s children are also very bored. That happens for a number of reasons and parents can, rather, should remedy it. You can do a lot so that your child does not get bored!

Before, families used to be very large, the fact that children are only children is one of the reasons why children get bored, although this does not mean that all only children are bored or that all those who have siblings have fun.

Another important aspect that influences the lack of fun or entertainment for your child is due to the social isolation of urban life, where there are numerous cases of people who have been neighbors for years and barely know or maintain contact.

Another cause of boredom can be the consequence of the overstimulation that children are currently subjected to: excessive television, electronic games, toys with dozens of lights, too many activities directed by adults, in short, a lot of activity that makes children not take The initiative.

Anti-boredom tips

The first thing to ask yourself when you ask yourself what I do so that my son does not get so bored, is if you really spend enough time with him. Sometimes for reasons such as work it is not possible to spend all the time you want with him, to that is added that sometimes parents come home and start watching television, looking at their mobile, cooking or whatever other than being with your child.

As a mother (or father) you must first worry about what happens to your children, be with them, listen to them, play with them; These are the true displays of affection. You should not only spend time with the child but give them quality time, invent games to enjoy together.

It is very important to take time out of the day to think about things to do with them. It is vital to find activities that have to do with nature, you can create them even for indoors. Choose natural toys, such as wooden ones over plastic and other synthetic ones.

Some ideas so that your child does not get bored

A good “anti-boredom” option may be to buy a pet. Surely you can keep your child a lot of company and he will learn to take care of him and be responsible to the extent that responsibilities are set on the pet such as: bathing him, feeding him, taking him for a walk and giving him a lot of love.

  • Try to go out as much as possible to parks and gardens that you have close to home.
  • Take it to the countryside to get acquainted and familiar with nature. This should not be an imposition but something that comes from within and follows their natural impulse towards nature.
  • Let the child climb the trees, run, lie down on the grass and above all be very happy.

It is also good to remember that sometimes adults, due to so much workload and responsibilities, tend to disconnect from the here and now and so you can also take the opportunity to reconcile with nature, get involved with your child’s emotions, plant flowers or trees at home and observe their changes with your little one, they will have fun together.

Another idea is to have a homemade compost bin to recycle household waste. If you have a patio, balcony or terrace they are very easy to do and provide organic fertilizer for your plants. You will see that sooner or later your child will be bursting with interest.

Let your child cook or collaborate in the kitchen, put a small table next to you and let him handle the food you are cooking.  While you prepare the food, you can teach him the types of smells and flavors, what sensation to the touch the different foods offer, how they are combined, what they are for … the truth is that the field of cooking is too wide to keep him entertained.

It is essential that children carry out unstructured activities, that is, those that are not directed by adults but by themselves, in this way they will be given the option to develop their creativity. Adult-led activities are also an option, but we must trade off one another.

Limiting television is very important as are electronic games. Sometimes, for simple comfort, they are seated in front of the television, perhaps because there are things to do and because we know that they will be hooked at once, but you have to stay firm with them and know when and how long you should be in front of the television .

Spend more quality time with your child in which they enjoy together, activities related to nature, watering and caring for plants, animals, going for a walk, going on a bicycle, playing with a ball in nature, going fishing, you will see how the magic of those moments will do its job.

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