When To Change The Size Of The Baby’s Diaper?

To know when to change the size of the baby’s diaper, we must take into account some aspects, such as if it is too tight, if there are overflows or if it falls off. It is very important that you wear the correct size, then we will see why.
When to change the size of the diaper to the baby?

You will surely know that there are many diaper options on the market, in different sizes and with their various advantages. However, you may not have a clue when to change your baby’s diaper size. In this article, we will give you some keys to identify the ideal moment.

Tips to change the size of the diaper to the baby

The main brands of diapers on the market have sizes ‘for all tastes’, even for premature babies or those who take longer to go to the bathroom alone. Most are based on the child’s weight to determine sizes, but these may change depending on the manufacturer.

Finding the right size is often not easy. Therefore, we give you some tips on when to change the size of the baby’s diaper:

1. Small sizes, only for the first days

You will be amazed at how fast your baby grows. Even from birth until they leave the clinic you will see it changed; this is normal in the first few weeks. To give you an idea, a six-month-old is twice as old as when he was born.

Therefore, it is best to buy a small number of small-size diapers, as they will last very little,  even if you spend more than five a day. It is also common that the first diaper you put on is not small, especially if it has weighed more than 3.5 kg at birth.

One of the main signs that it is time to change the baby's diaper size is that it cannot 'stand' the child's waste.

2. There are many spills

One of the main signs that it is time to change the baby’s diaper size is that it cannot ‘stand’ the child’s waste. When it overflows once it may be because the little one urinated or defecated too much, but if this happens continuously, it means you need a bigger one. It is not due to lack of absorption, but because of the size!

3. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions

In most cases the diapers are standard sizes, but that does not mean that there are not slight changes between each brand. The information that the package gives you to know if it is suitable for your baby is the weight. A general table is:

  • Size 0: up to 3 kg.
  • Size 1: from 2 to 5 kg.
  • Size 2: from 3 to 6 kg.
  • Size 3: from 4 to 9 kg.
  • Size 4: from 7 to 18 kg.
  • Size 5: from 12 to 25 kg.
  • Size 6: more than 15 kg

As you will see, the sizes ‘overlap’ each other in the weights. Therefore, you have to try which one suits you best. A tip: if, for example, your baby weighs 5 kg but is quite ‘long’, it is preferable to buy size 3 (from 4 to 9 kg) before size 2 (from 3 to 6 kg) to make it more comfortable .

4. Garters and closures: perfect fit

Another way to determine when it is time to change your baby’s diaper size is by analyzing how tight it fits. The elastic areas of the legs should not mark the skin; in that case, please buy one size larger.

At the waist, it should be comfortable enough not to squeeze you when you finish eating and allow you to move freely. Also, take a look at the closures: if they are too open when closed or do not reach the height of the baby’s navel, you will probably need one of the following size.

Another way to determine when it is time to change your baby's diaper size is by analyzing how tight it fits.

5. Signs in the body

It is another way to know when it is time to buy a larger size diaper for your baby. Red spots on the legs or hips or a difficult-to-cure dermatitis can be avoided or reduced with a less tight-fitting diaper.

In the event that the baby is already a little older – around two years old – he may be able to tell you himself that he is not comfortable in the diaper. For example, if you try to remove it, if it moves or if its movements are too limited, you may need to consider buying a larger size.

If you have questions regarding diaper placement, how often to change it, or what size is best for your baby, the best thing to do is talk to your pediatrician. The professional will be able to guide you and recommend brands or sizes according to your child.

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