Which Sport Is Best For Children According To Age

To understand which sport is best for a child, it is necessary to take into account your child’s opinion. Apart from contributing to their physical and psychological development, the little one should enjoy it.
Which sport is best for children according to age

Choosing which sport is best for children is not an easy task as a parent, especially if you have to base yourself on the life stage your child is in. Despite this, it is necessary for you to be constantly in contact with the child; Knowing what they like can give you a great advantage.

Beyond what you perceive, there are also a series of recommendations to recognize which sports activity is the most appropriate according to the age of the children. The goal is for you to take these aspects into account and find a way to apply them to your child.

What sport is best for children?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that children’s sports should not be based on competitive practice. These are aimed at the development of the child from its bases, both physical and psychological, and with the passage of time they will focus on sports familiarization.

In order to understand which sport is best for children, it is recommended to address their ages. In this way, you can understand what motor skills the infant has and how he can implement them.

Baby practicing swimming, one of the appropriate sports according to his age.

Babies stage

Some parents perceive their children with fragility, especially during the baby stage. For this reason, they prevent them from doing any type of physical or sports activity.

However, we advise you not to make this mistake. It is normal to want to protect your children, but excessive fear should not get in the way of the physical and psychological development of the little ones.

Therefore, it is advisable to bring the child closer to sports such as swimming and yoga. The idea is that you help stimulate the basic patterns of locomotion in the little one and accompany him during this very important stage of his life.

From 2 years of age

Once he turns 2 years old, the child is in a major developmental transition. It stops being a baby to become a more autonomous little one with better physical capabilities. During this age it is advisable to approach him to various sports, but without fully entering into his practice ; swimming and gymnastics emerge as appropriate options.

With a maximum of 60 minutes a day with teaching and pre-sport games, play will be the main tool that guides him to the practice of a sport as a discipline when he is older.

Also, before exposing him to any sports practice, go to your pediatrician and request a general evaluation. In this way, you will know what conditions it is in and if there are any contraindications that should not be ignored.

From 5 years of age

Children’s autonomy at 5 years of age will not only be motor skills; their ideas take shape and they clearly know what they like and what they don’t like. In that order of ideas, from this age it is recommended that you start talking about your sports tastes.

The goal is for you to sit down to listen to your child’s ideas and between the two of you reach an agreement. Remember that you should not force him to do a sport that does not attract his attention, as this can frustrate him.

Based on the above, try to approach different sports, both individual and team. The options are practically endless, but among the most common stand out soccer, swimming, basketball, athletics, gymnastics, cycling, among others. This is why your opinion is so important.

From 10 years of age

Children playing volleyball.

Although the child has established his physical and psychological foundations in previous ages, it is from the age of 10 that the total inclusion of sports initiation must be carried out, at least in most sports disciplines.

As a father or mother, you must differentiate sports initiation as an instrument of entertainment and recreation and sports initiation as a competitive element.

The first is evidenced in the earliest ages, approximately between 5 and 6 years of age. For its part, sport as an element of competition can be implemented between the ages of 8 and 10, being an opportune stage for the child.

The above does not indicate that you should stop having fun, quite the opposite. During this stage your son has chosen a sport that he likes and is passionate about; In addition to this, it is necessary that you begin to assume responsible positions and commitments, aspects that can be strengthened through sport.

What sport is best for children? Is there a specific one?

The number of sports that exist in the world is practically incalculable and if we wanted to make a list, we would probably run out of time on it. For this reason, pigeonholeing your child into one sport is not very advisable.

Of course, there are recommendations that you will hear from pediatricians, coaches, and many other sports professionals. All you have to do is make sure your child walks into this world and finds his true passion.

The objective as parents goes beyond finding which sport is best for children, the ideal is that the little ones engage in physical sports activity, build healthy habits and can develop in a timely manner.

Over the years they will be able to move into a sports discipline and will probably continue to do it once they reach their adult stage.

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