Why Is It Convenient For Children To Sleep In The Dark?

Why is it convenient for children to sleep in the dark?

The time of sleep in babies and children is a dilemma for mothers and fathers. Especially the lighting detail is a problem. Dim light or darkness? What is the best option for a good children’s rest? Science ruled on the matter. Children should sleep in the dark.

However, it is worth asking the reasons why the ideal alternative is created. In the first instance, the protagonist of childhood sleep is a hormone called Melatonin. According to recent scientific studies, this hormone is produced only in total darkness.

Therefore, the researchers advise that absolutely nothing disturb the sleep of the youngest in the house. Precisely, some of the factors that negatively affect the rest of the little ones are: televisions and computers turned on, the lighting of digital clocks and the lamps on.

This is how scholars on the subject are blunt and insist: so that minors sleep better and develop in the best way, there are a series of tips to consider. Pay attention and write down the following data that can improve the quality of sleep in the whole house.

Reasons for your children to sleep in the dark

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Main or accompaniment light, it does not matter. A study published in the journal Nature relates lighting during sleep hours with the increase in myopia cases. For this, 479 children were surveyed and the results were conclusive.

The hypothesis of this research maintains that the eye develops during the first years of life, making it more vulnerable to light. Even other types of reports indicate that this factor can even alter the baby’s circadian rhythm.

On the other hand, scientists believe that if children sleep in the dark, their body produces greater amounts of Melatonin. It is the hormone capable of promoting the rhythm of sleep. By manufacturing less organic substance, sleep problems are generated, among other related ones.

Sleep routine to get them to rest in the dark

in the dark

One of the best options to get your child to rest in the best possible way involves implementing a sleep routine. How to do it? It is very simple, carrying out a series of simple steps every night that give the child the pattern that the time of sleep is coming.

Write down the following tips and ensure your child’s relaxation at night. In this way, you not only make sure you share more beautiful moments with your child, but you can also enjoy better mornings.

  • Bath time! The kickoff is to take a delicious and relaxing warm bath before going to sleep.
  • Shade control activated. Make sure that all the curtains in the room where the child sleeps are tightly closed so that nothing interferes with their rest.
  • Transition objects. The best allies to be able to sleep in the dark are the transition objects. Who has not had a protective teddy or an inseparable blanket?
  • A beautiful story and relaxing music. It’s the ace up your sleeve that you should always have. Nothing calms your children more than your own voice. In a sweet tone, he sings narrations and the occasional lullaby, or he appeals to some soft and delicate instrumental music to calm the child.
  • A rich warm milk. Another aspect capable of predisposing the child is to drink warm milk after the bath. If it is a nursing baby, what better than to drink breast milk?
  • Comfortable clothes, always. Avoid both light and warm clothing. Also avoid bedding that is too “sophisticated”, full of appliqués and closures. In this case, apply the “less is more” rule.

By following these simple tips you can get your child to rest better, in the dark, for better health. Of course, all this deployment implies very high amounts of love and affection, as well as patience. After all, nothing is worth more than the fact that your child can have sweet dreams and rest like a little angel.

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