With Childhood You Also Reap What You Sow

Raising children is complex, and just about any detail can influence their behavior in the future. Find out how your parenting can influence your children.
With childhood you also reap what you sow

With childhood, as in life itself, you also reap what you sow. Therefore, you must take care of the words you use and the attitudes you adopt while raising your children. Well, tomorrow may be too late, and the consequences can be devastating.

How do you reap what you sow?

“Everything returns,” reads the old and popular saying. Well, with raising children, this maxim also applies perfectly. It is that, without a doubt, everything you give, sooner rather than later comes back to you. So if what you gave was love, you will have the same.

Now, if you lost focus on what is essential in your life, that is, taking care of your child, you could come to regret it in the future. Irremediably, time has no turning back. For this reason, motherhood or fatherhood is simply about enjoying the here and now.

Housework and work mishaps don’t matter. Children do not understand obligations. They just need our time and dedication. Especially from our love. Take a few minutes to dedicate your time to what is really worth, and a lot. Well, the past will not give revenge.


The rejection of infants

It is true that sometimes one comes home exhausted, exhausted. However, many parents allow that fatigue to overcome them. This mortally wounds the most intense and beautiful of relationships, damaging a unique and sacred bond: the one that is maintained with a child.

Many others go even further, allowing themselves to also be absorbed at home by work. The child sees them busy, responsible, intertwined between calculations and manual annotations, or even with their computer. But what is most beautiful and expected by any boy is missing: the shared moment.

“Not now, son” , repeat many parents very focused on trifles even. In the era of new information and communication technologies, paradoxically, they lose the ability to communicate with their children.

This is how, suddenly, parents are addicted to mobile devices or even respond only to the power of television. Meanwhile,  the child only asks for time, attention, dedication, protection and a lot of love. Something that is usually denied for different reasons, without thinking about the bill that will happen later.

“Son, don’t bother anymore,” says that mother while tidying up the house in a marathon or that father who gleamingly washes his car. At the side, your child is just waiting for a talk full of good advice or a moment of leisure with his parents, the best legacy for a child.

From your child’s adolescence: You reap what you sow


At that moment in life when your child begins to show a rebellious character while his body begins to undergo changes, the moment will come when that irremediable past will hurt you. In a bad answer or when your child returns some of your phrases or attitudes from childhood, you will understand everything.

“Not now, mother” , “Don’t bother, dad . In a present incapable of modifying old mistakes, it hurts. However, deep down you know that you wasted tender moments and pawned childish anecdotes. It is here when you clearly understand that, indeed, you reap what you sow.

Over the years, the character of puberty, pimples, and other signs may recede. However, that harvest will remain to remind you of what you sowed. The time has come to meet new people for your life. To form a couple and, perhaps, tomorrow, build a family.

In that future, which is never distant, you will not be able to avoid regretting those unfortunate choices or mistakes of the past. They say that time is the enemy of man, but that can be avoided by acting according to what we love. And what is it that can be more loved by ourselves than our own children and family?

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