You Are My Son And That Is Enough For Me To Treat You With Love

During parenting, no excuses are needed to give love. The bond is enough, and few things can break it. That is part of what it means to be a mother or father.
You are my son and that is enough for me to treat you with love

Loving you is one of the feelings that comes out most naturally, doing so does not mean any effort for me. I don’t have to make an effort to love you, to take care of you, to take you in my arms, to take care of your angel’s dream, to caress your very soft skin, I love you because you are my son and that is enough for me.

Since before I conceived you, I have been studying, I have been preparing for you, just as my body prepared to receive you. I know that during the nine months that you were growing inside my uterus they were a very comfortable experience for you, because they were a kind of paradise. There you had at your disposal everything you needed to grow healthy and beautiful, as you are. There you obtained at pleasure and according to your demands all the food, shelter and enough heat to develop; and you did very well because you are the incarnation of an angel my love.

Now that you are outside, sharing the same space that your father and I inhabit, as well as other members of our family, my deepest desire is to reproduce as faithfully as possible the sensation you experienced when you were inside me, when you felt in the paradise.

It is enough to give and receive love to feel in paradise

I want to tell you a secret, son: This world, the place we live in, can also look like paradise. I want you to learn that it does not matter what others tell you, it matters more what you believe, what you build with your actions and your thoughts, because the future always holds something even better for us than we currently live, we just have to feed our courage to keep trying, to keep fighting, to keep working, to keep smiling, to keep loving.

mom with baby emotions

I know that you will find many people who will tell you otherwise, who will tell you that this world is the complete opposite of paradise, that this “is getting worse”, that it is not worth trying to keep trying, and it is also possible that when you fly far from me you suffer some disappointments and you feel tempted to give up; that’s normal, son.

All possible and imaginable emotions fit in our hearts, but I want you to know that it is love that makes the world change, that makes the world go round, that makes plants grow, and that makes people like you be born and develop.

I also want you to know that we are a team. You and I are an invincible team, do you know why? Because our strength is love. In addition, and best of all, we do not have to make an effort so that our relationship is nourished because our love is magical, it springs up on its own, as the fruits do in the tropical jungles, and this happens simply because you are my son and that to me. enough to treat you with love.

Loving you is simple

I confess: Sometimes it is difficult for me to treat certain people with love and kindness, but with you the story is absolutely different, you do not have to do anything or say anything to love yourself, just as I do not need to mold my character to give yourself to each instant my love.

Although being absolutely sincere, it is necessary that I continue to mold my character because although my love for you is infinite and noble, I recognize that I am full of defects and sometimes I act very differently than I would like.

But when I lack strength, or when I realize that I have not acted as I would like, in addition to offering you my most sincere apologies, I remember your newborn eyes in my arms, while you took the warm milk that gushed from my breasts: I swear to you that I have not seen more beautiful eyes, I have not seen an expression in your beautiful eyes more beautiful than that, it is as if you reflect an absolute state of well-being, as if you enjoy the ecstasy that my love provides you.

smell baby

All mothers know that look in their children, perhaps they have not identified it by breastfeeding but sleeping. That is not really the important thing, it is likely that what really matters as a mother is to recognize that you, like all the children in the world, even like us adults, are capable of giving love and also receiving it, and that in order to learn to love you have to receive love.

This love is manifested, among other things, in that all the care you receive when you are a baby is as similar as possible to the experience you had in the womb when you were not afraid, you did not feel alone, you ate, played, grew up and slept when it you needed.

You, like all human beings in the world, have the possibility, in addition to the ability, to express through crying that your basic needs – physical or emotional – are taken care of by me, I take care of you with such attention that I also realize when you express a state of well-being, which you do especially when we are both comfortable.

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